Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends 2015 (Infographic)
Technology trends are moving fast these days and most companies have already forgotten what was trending in 2010. Or can you still remember?
The following infographic by Needa Shredder gives an overview on the top technology trends for 2015. Furthermore, it offers some predictions of what technology trends form the digital arena will be leading into the future of 2020.
Not surprisingly, computer everywhere, the Internet of Things, 3-D printing, big data analytics are heading up the list. Still, by 2018 the guys from Needa predict that business process workers will be decreased by 50% in the digital business, and by 2025 one in 3 jobs will be replaced by robots and computers.
Sounds all a bit depressing. Well, maybe the major digital job boost of 500% will be even better in terms of offering new job opportunities for the future.
But hey, who can really foresee the future of technology trends by five years. If you can, let us know…