3 recommendations when producing video by Richard Gutjahr [Video]
What format will be the one with the biggest growth rate? What do you think? For many of us it will be video. In terms of handling, reach and simplicity. But what are the points we should think about when we produce a video? In his interview the host Christoph Magnussen gets some very interesting insights about these questions and other impressive statements from Richard Gutjahr.
Top 3 recommendations when producing video
There are for sure thousands other helpful hints for people when thinking about the use of videos. But in this case I want to share and underline the following three from Richard Gutjahr because they are the base for everything coming from this point on when you are a producer of video content. Today all of us have a camera with us and by that we are able to produce video content where ever we are. Back in the days this was a problem of quality but with the more and more advanced mobile devices this is not longer a valid point to not produce videos on the road.
Never zoom
Maybe a simple and banal point but the benefit of this hint comes for me when thinking a little bit more about it. Did you use the zoom in your videos?
Use sound
Sound should be part of each video because the real message would not be transferred otherwise. Especially when you produce interviews like this one in the following video it simply doesn’t make sense to produce it without sound. In addition to the sound aspect Richard also recommends to invest some amount of money in a good sound solution like good microphones to improve a video by using sound instead of reduce the overall quality by having a bad sound.
Just do it!
For me the most important point but this applies not only to the production of videos. It is a recommendation for more or less everything in this exciting time in which we live. You can replace video in this case with social collaboration, digitalization and may other business areas either people or companies are dealing with these days. Just do it! Whatever challenge you are facing, do it!
Source title picture: https://pixabay.com/de/youtube-iphone-smartphone-mobil-2617510/