BlogHer Study: Are woman the mobile 'Generation Now'…?
Millennials book their flights, hotels and probably would love to buy their drinks via their mobiles. They all get information in realtime. And the rest of the world? Do they also have acces to the world’s latest buzz, deals and chatter? One of the latest studies by the media network and publisher for women BlogHer states that our dependance on mobiles is massively increasing. Women manage and engage via our mobiles in all aspects of life – not important which generation it is. And if they don’t know, how can we know…?
They released some infographic that summarizes the results of their second annual consumer electronics study from December 2012. The stats are showing that we are all the mobile generation now. The study wanted to know when women of different ages usually buy electronic gadgets, what they love most about mobiles but also if fears accompany their mobile dependence.
From these findings, they define three female mobile profiles…
The Recession Millennials (18-27 years old)
Unsurprisingly, Blogher describes Millennials as mobile natives. However, money stands in their way from diving into their early adopter reputation. Main fear? Their mobiles get stolen! Still, they are 31% more likely to “use a gadget until it doesn’t work anymore.”
The Gen X Early Adopters (28-45 years old)
The power-users and consumers are coming from the Gen X age. They love their mobiles for its capabilities to “do it all.” Standing between life and career, 25% said mobiles make them being more likely to be too distracted to focus on their family.
The Boomer Bargain-Hunters (46-64 years old)
Boomers want gadgets, but not for every price. They love hunting for bargains – and can wait 12 months for technical gadgets. Mobiles are their heartbeat. Still, data privacy has become one of their concerns.
Our question would be if this is not very much stereotyped. Or do you agree with this picture of the typical woman at different ages?