Tag Archive for: YouTube

Openness and authenticity are the things that drive brands

One of the great things about being a busines blogger is that you have the opportunity to exchange thoughts and views with interesting and successful business people. People you would never get to known in life but then meet them for a drink, for dinner or -which I really appreciate- for lunch. Sometimes you are the initiator and sometimes it is them who do the first step to invest time in networking and in exchanging “brand and business philosophy”.

In the end, it is all about conversation, and conversation is key for building trust.

Last week, I had one of these comfortable meetings when Aedhmar Hynes, CEO at the PR agency Text 100, spent two hours of her busy time with two her nice colleagues and me in Germany in the restaurant lounge Schweiger2. Apart from enjoying a wonderful menue (should have written the review in English), we exchanged our views on the latest development concerning the challenges for brands on the social web in the future.

In order to share some of her valuable and deep knowledge, Aedhmar summarized her view of the impact of social media on brands for us.

The funny thing is that the restaurant definitely won two “fans” for their delicious showroom cooking, received a positive review and it would be interesting to track the offline word-of-mouth buzz the restaurant gets from us. One of the reasons why I asked her later on, what she things about the power of the brand-vangelists (or brand-advocates) and how to leverage those for business.

Just before I recorded these statements, she said “Openness and authenticity are the things that drive brands”, and I could not agree more. Nevertheless, I think brands still have a lot to learn to make this real from a customers point of view.

Would you agree?

News Update – Best of the Day

Airports are the awareness benefitial places for “outdoor-indoor” advertising. Nora Vega found some clever and funny ads on airports all over the world.

According to a study by Cisco and it’s Visual Networking Index forecast, Internet video alone will account for 57% of all consumer Internet traffic in 2014. Online video (TV, video on demand, Internet, and P2P) is set to exceed 91% of global consumer traffic in 5 years.

If you have mice in your house, make sure to check their holes before starting your reconstruction work. And don’t try to get them out of the house by using the power of concrete.

Facebook – To stay or not to stay?!

Facebook’s new privacy settings are causing their users a lot of headaches. PCWorld has summarized the changes with good links to further information.

The Quit Facebook Day site is probably the “loudest” result from the privacy setting changes.

And some people already think about the perfect social network. Maybe Gink is the answer…?!

And some students in San Francisco made it easy for companies, partners or profs can to find out about status updates of their employees, friends or and what they are saying about their them. They just need to check Openbook

Maybe Facebook should just think about the intelligent user, his new role inside the conversation model and especially how social networks are supposed to work from a users perspective.

To stay or not to stay? Maybe we just ask all of you Facebook users what you think about the privacy changes. Appreciate your thoughts…

News Update – Best of the Day

The importance of blogs in a web-strategy cannot be overestimated. Ann All has some good insights in leading tech company’s efforts on blogging and why blogs remain the key element of a web-strategy.

Implementing a social media strategy in a company has proven to be a successful operational investment. But how to do it? Salesforce shares their approach with an interesting video presentation from their Dreamforce 2009.

If we take our social lives to the next level, then we might end up living in an open space world like the one the IT telecoms provider Cosmo Kapta shows in their excellent commercial. It suggests that “Best things happen when you are open to the world”. Would you agree?

News Update – Best of the Day

On the social web visibility is everything – but how to create visibility? Denise Wakeman tells us three steps how to get started strategically…

What will social media marketing look like in 5 years? Louis Gray, Silicon Valley blogger, shares his thoughts:

“This practise of social media marketing is going away… – social media marketing is going to fade into the background, it will continue to be a huge element of the success you will have as you are growing your company. But it is becoming core marketing, core business development and just be there like air!”

The FIFA-Worldcup 2010 in South Africa is about to be kicked off in some days. Here is a collection of some really cool new commercials for one of the bests events this year. Nice collection by @farbwolke.

News Update – Best of the Day

What does pinball, the social web and web-strategy have in common? Harley Rivet wrote about an interesting metaphor…

Very seldom do companies talk about their web-strategy. The Tate gallery does. John Stack is Head of Tate Online and has published his complete web-strategy. If you have the time for it, read it…

Commercial disaster?! I have forgotten about the brand, but the commercial is funny in my eyes….

News Update – Best of the Day

Just some weeks ago, I have been talking about the idea of replacing loyalty cards by social networking customer service to drive customer engagement. Now, the New York Times has extended the idea by the integration of location-based advertising using Foursquare… and of course replacing loyalty cards by social networks activity and mobile apps. The idea seems to be moving from trend to standard…

Often the question comes up which brands are the most valuable in the world. Millward Brown’s Optimor BrandZ Top100 Most Valuable Global Brands report gives us some insight. The key findings…

– Google is the most valuable global brand worth $114 billion (2nd is IBM with $86 billion, 3rd Apple with $83 billion, Microsoft was fourth with $76 billion.
– Social Media is a winner: Facebook has a brand value of $5.5 billion. Use of social media was a key trend across many of the successful brands this year, i.e. HSBC’s Expat Explorer online community.
– Strong brands such as Samsung (80% growth in brand value) and Starbucks (17% increase) are evidence that businesses with strong brands recover from adversity faster.

Heineken commercials know how to dive into the hearts of their main target group. “Men with talents” is another fantastic example after their “walk in fridge” idea… Sorry ladies, but we man love it!

Investor Ron Conway talking about social web trends

The well-known investor Ron Conway is talking on Techcrunch about the main trends in the social web industry: “real-time data” and “the web becoming more social (evidence in Facebook and Twitter)”.

It is interesting to listen to his view on the business and vision about the changes of Facebook. In the interview, he agrees that we are entering the age of Facebook. It sounds like a bit like a commercial for the leading social networking platform. “Everything you need is there. It is the universe.”

Do you agree?


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Vom Kulturwandel zum Chief Culture Officer

Manche mag es nerven, wenn im Social Web permanent die Rede vom Kulturwandel ist. Andere leben diesen Kulturwandel, erfinden neue (Job)Titel wie den Personal Web Manager. Grant McCracken benennt in seinem (nicht mehr ganz neuen, aber sehr aktuellem) Buch eine moderne “Stabsstelle” in Konzernen danach: Chief Culture Officer.

In seinem Buch (und im Kleinen in diesem Videointerview) geht McCracken darauf ein, wie Firmen den Chief Culture Officer finden sollen, um weiterhin an vorderster Kundenfront den Puls der Zeit zu erkennen, und wie Kunden Marken mitgestalten können.

Die Person des Chief Culture Officer kann es derzeit sogar in unvollendeter Form schon geben. McCracken bezeichnet diese Personen als “Cool Hunter” oder “Guru”. Eine Art Visionär, dem es aber noch am tiefergreifenden Verständnis für den wandelnden Kulturanspruch fehle. Dieser dreht sich darum, was der Menschheit wichtig ist und was sie für ihr Leben benötigen.

Persönlich finde ich seinen Vergleich des alten und neuen “Marketing-Auftrags” interessant.

Alt: “You load up the canon. You come up with a simple message. You say it as often as you can, as load as you can until the dimmest person in the world understands that’s…”

Neu: “That’s just irritating for everyone. What we want instaed is something closer to conversation. And the buzz word that people are now usinmg is the social co-creation. If you want a vital animated brand, if you want to bring in people like this guyin the spot we just saw to help co-create that brand (…) so what you do is you send them of.”

Konzerne, die dem Kulturwandel einen Schritt näher kommen wollen, sollten sich das Video in Ruhe ansehen – und sich mal Gedanken darüber machen. Und idealerweise ihre Meinungen dazu mit uns teilen…

News Update – Best of the Day

The privacy debate in connection with social networking and 2.0 software is sometimes misinterpreted. A new study by researchers at UC Berkeley and the University of Pennsylvania shows that younger adults watch their private data, especially when companies want get hold of those data. The key findings are that…
82% of respondents ages 18 to 24…
84% ages 25 to 34…
85% people 65 and older…
refuse to provide information to a company because they thought it was too personal or not necessary.
The study result shows that young adults are clever enough to distinguish between private and private information. They still take care of their privacy in terms of credit card number, passwords, phone numbers, etc. On the other hand, they provide through applications data-entry for millions of companies for free. So, do they really care about their privacy as the headline suggests?

Finding a list of b2b marketing strategy ebooks is a challenge. THX to Jon Miller who created a fantastic list 16 relevant and high-quality ebooks end of last year.

Understanding the power of viral advertising is understanding the power of the social web. Good commercials will stay being a powerful tool in social networks. The brands can only profit from it… no matter if the commercial -like this one from Ford- is four years old. If it is cool, it will be valued good for a long time!