Tag Archive for: Key Words

Criminology and Law Enforcement Officials Using Social Media To Fight Crime

For years now, the world has become a very high-tech place, and just like with everyone else, criminals are also becoming more astute and coming up with more technological ways to break the law. Ever since the Internet started seeing widespread use, Criminology and law enforcement officials have been playing catch-up to try and monitor all of the offenders that are currently on the web. Now, as social media has taken hold, it seems that officials now have a new tool in fighting crime.

Social media has allowed the world to become interconnected and interface with one another through the digital format of social media. More and more of our connections are going through online forums, but it’s also having the side-effect of keeping track of everything we say. Law enforcement agencies around the country are beginning to realize the power of social media for their own purposes.

Police blogging has become relatively popular lately, and it’s beginning to allow police stations across the country to keep up on the events of the day. Many people are already familiar with the police sergeant sitting at the registry desk, but now a station can keep track of Twitter feeds, blogs, and updates. It offers officials and the public a real-time way to see the crimes that are being committed in their area. These blogs are publishing crimes and arrests and keeping track of the real-world activity through online avenues. This is becoming a very useful tool to keep an open dialogue and exchange of information between citizens and police. Average citizens can also post on these blogs to let police know about what’s going on and it’s quicker than a phone call.

There have been sites where people could go online and see the latest wanted criminals, but now different law agencies are beginning to use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms to update and keep people aware of local criminals that are at large in their area. The great thing about social media is that it’s instantaneous, and officers can keep the public aware of what’s going on up to the minute. This has been done through fan pages as well as local and district specific pages. Their usage has become more fine-tuned over time, and it’s increasing in regularity. It’s another example of how much social media is changing our everyday lives.

Many aren’t aware of the term, but social media stakeouts are becoming a popular tool to find criminals in every background. Some social media advocates argue that this has become a sort of invasion of privacy but police and law enforcement officials aren’t hacking into anything, they’re merely listening in. Whether you agree with it or not, it’s given police the ability to track important information and search real-time for offenders and key words and phrases that are of particular interest. This social media monitoring is a preemptive measure that’s getting a lot of attention. There exists the possibility that these social forums could be abused by officials but there’s no doubt that it has helped them to keep up with the times.

It’s not clear as to how much control different offices of enforcement really have over our personal and social media accounts. There’s been a lot of speculation over Facebook’s complicity in working with companies and governments and sharing personal information. Currently, it’s only through accusations. People are worried about “big-brother,” but it’s essential that we give our law enforcement officials the tools they need, within reason, to combat crime in an evolving society. Otherwise, we could run the risk of giving criminals a better ability to curtail the law and hurt others.

This post is a guest post from the Davenport Institute.

How to attract more visitors – The 10 most important visitor resources for blogs

How can you find a lot of users for your business blog?

How can you find a lot of users for your business blog?

Is there a secret, why corporate blogs and business blogs have more success than traditional corporate websites? Is it the modern architecture of blogging systems? Is it the exiting and exhilarant spelling style of bloggers? Or is a conspiracy of the digital natives against the internet retirees?

Nothing of it! Blogs and bloggers are simply using some very effective methods to attract visitors.

The 10 most important visitor resources for blogs:

  1. Feeds – Blogs are read via feed reader predominantly, not via browsers any longer. Well-known blogs have more than 100.000 feed reader per day. On a normal day in Germany, there are some blogs with more than 10.000 feed reader.
    Highlight your RSS feed on your blog and take advantage of a feed service like Feedburner
  2. Google – Visitors through search engines are the second largest visitor group of blogs. Bloggers use always methods of search engine optimization (SEO) in order to achieve good rankings with important key words.
    Write in a search engine friendly way. Use Google’s Webmaster Tools and install a SEO plug-in like wpSEO!
  3. Pingbacks and Trackbacks – Links don’t just offer a value-add for your own users but also backlinks and numerous new users.
    Link all directions as often as possible and learn to use trackbacks in a proper way.
  4. Twitter – with the micro-blogging service you can approach users faster than with your blog. News with real add-on information are spread via Twitter the “viral” way very fast.
    Work on broadening your Twitter follower base. Promote your Twitter account on your blog and vice versa. Twitter your blog postings at the right time!
  5. Social Networks – Promote your important blog postings on XING, Facebook or LinkedIn.
  6. Forums – Are you an accredited expert, for example a wine blogger?
    If you see in a forum the question: What are the most expensive wines or the 10 most dry French ones? Write a posting on your blog and post only the link in the forum.
  7. Blog directors and RSS feed directories – Just some selected directories (Technorati, Blogoscoop, Bloggerei, Wikio) generate new visitors. Especially, if you are ranking well in these directories.
  8. Your comments on other blogs – Make yourself heard on other blogs as a constructive business partner – far and foremost in not well-known blogs. This will result in new visitors. Beware the free of sense comments! This will damage your own blog reputation in the long term.
  9. Comments of others on your blog – This is the secret of well-visited blogs:
    Be responsive to comments – You will win permanent visitors!
  10. Guest writers – Invite readers/users, other bloggers or “VIP’s” from the offline and online world to write guest posts. Every guest author will be talking to others about it or link directly to this post.
    Your creativity has no limits: travel agents blog about journeys of their customers, hotel managers animate guests to write about their vacation resort, … Your customers don’t want that? Ask them if they want to publish some of their holiday pictures on your homepage! You will be surprised seeing the reaction…

Did I forget something? Is your ranking of visitor resources different? Where do you see options to attract more visitors for your blog? Looking forward reading your comments and reading your ideas and thoughts!

Guest writer Karl-Heinz Wenzlaff is the German expert and consultant for business blogging. He knows the useful tips and tricks, and is specialized on professional company blogs, product blogs or employee blogs. Some month ago, he helped me migrating from Blogger to WordPress in order to set up a magazine theme.

Thank you for being one of my guest writers, Karl-Heinz.

Company Reputation & Monitoring

Im Sinne des Reputation Managements müssen Unternehmen heutzutage wissen, welcher ‘Buzz’ im Web über sie und den Mitbewerb geschrieben und diskutiert wird, sowie welche Informationen ausgetauscht werden.

Um hier den Anschluss nicht zu verpassen, gibt es zahlreiche Plattformen (siehe Bild), die das ‘Monitoring’ einer Person,eines Brands, von Produkte, des Mitbewerbs und der extrem dynamischen Social Media Welt ermöglichen. Marketing Pilgrim hat diese in zwei Post zusammengefasst. Hier die übersetzte Zusammenfassung in Kurzform…

Die bekanntesten Monitoring Tools
Amazon: Neu und gefragte Produkte via ‘tags’ beobachten und dann ähnlich ‘tags’ beobachten. Gut für Produkt-Management und Entwicklungsteams…

Blog Comments und Backtype: Die Kommentare auf Blogs zu verfolgen, ist schwierig und aufwendig. Auch wenn ein Post positiv ist, kommt er gerne auch mal als negative Nachricht rüber. Über diesen Service verfolgt man die kompletten Kommentare. (RSS-Feed!)

Blogpulse – Conversation and Trends: Links von und zu Blog Posts sowie Key-Word Tracking auf Blogs.

Delicious: Online Bookmark Service, der Bookmark-Sharing ermöglicht und zeigt, wenn jemand ein Bookmark setzt, welches ihre Firma beinhaltet -am Beispiel iPhone.

Digg und Reddit: News, die beliebt sind, machen hier das Rennen und wer den RSS-Feed eingestellt hat, folgt den Nachrichten über die eigene Firma.

Flickr: Mitarbeiter veröffentlicht ein ‘Top-Secret’ Produktfoto? Foto von Top Manager im Bordell? Wenn der Firmenname auftaucht oder der Name einer Person, zeigt der RSS-Feed das an.

Google News: Nennungen ihrer Firma im Main Stream Media Konzept. Firma eingeben, sortieren der Ergebnisse nach Datum und dann RSS Fed aktivieren.

Google Blog Search: Die Bloggosphäre ist aktiv und Google Blog Search bildet meistens alles ab, was in der Social Media Welt ‘pingt’. (RSS-Feed!)

Google Patent Search: der Name ist Programm – wer seine Patente schützen und den Mitbewerb beobachten will.

Google Alerts: Kein RSS Reader-Liebhaber? OK, dann eben per Email alle Informationen rund um Firma, Produkte, etc. tracken und in die Mailbox bekommen.

Google Trends, Trendrr und Trackur (letzterer kostenpflichtig): Was sind die meist gesuchten Keywords? Sogar auf Länder und Städte eingrenzbar…

Technorati und Brand Mentions: Alles,was sich in der Social Media Welt und Bloggosphäre abspielt, lässt sich hier schnell finden – auch, wer Backlinks setzt…

Twitter: Wer die Suchmaschine von Twitter nutzt, kann sein Brand, Produkte, den Mitbewerb usw. bei seinen Twitteraktivitäten im Auge behalten. Für die RSS-Hasser gibt es alternativ TweetBeep.

Wikipedia: die glaubwürdigste Wissensadresse im Web. Was wird an ihrem Profil verändert oder jemand versucht, zu ihnen führende Links zu entfernen? Der RSS Feeds meldet sich…

Yahoo News and Moreover News: Schneller Firmen-, Mitbewerbs- und Branchen-Nachrichtenüberblick mit RSS-Feed Modell.

YouTube und MetaCafe: siehe Flickr auf der ‘Videoebene’… – am Beispiel ASUS

Weitere nützliche Monitoring-Tools
Boardtracker: Blogs spiegeln nicht immer die hochwertige und hintergründige Kommunikation – Foren und Message Boards schon eher. Wenn ihre Firm ain einem Thread genannt wird, kommt die Nachricht per RSS.

Compete: Suchanalyse hinsichtlich von Keywords – auch um den Mitbewerber und seine Strategie auszumachen.

Edgar Online: Wie steht es finanziell um den Mitbewerb (eher USA)?

Facebook Lexicon: Auf dem derzeit angesagtesten Social Network können Sie checken, welche Key Words auf Facebook verstärkt genutzt werden. Keotag: Wer nutzt welches Tag. Cool ist es vor allem, wenn man Firmen findet, die ihre Firma und ihre Produkte taggen – oder gleich zahlreiche Firmen sieht, die die gleichen Tags nutzen.

my ON-ID: Für das Business entscheidend, ist ihr guter Ruf hinsichtlich ihrer persönlichen daten im Netz, den die Plattform regelmäßig ‘monitored’ – mit dem netten Nebeneffekt des Eigenmarketings.

oodle: Falls der Mitbewerb an die Mitarbeiter will, findet man hier die Stellen der Personen auf die man selbst besonders achten muss.

Seeking Alpha: Der ‘Lauschangriff’ via Conference Call Transkripten bei Aktiengesellschaften…

upcoming.org: Hinsichtlich Veranstaltungen auf dem Laufendem bleiben. Beispiel: web strategy

User Name Check: Auch wenn man nicht weiß, was man damit tun, aber den Usernamen sollten man haben.

Spot On!
(Fast) alle Monitoring-Tools sind kostenfrei! Welche für das eigene Business sinnvoll sind, muss jeder selbst entscheiden. Auffällig ist, was man mit Google alles machen kann (und was Google damit alles monitort)…