Tag Archive for: Trend

B2B Study: Marketers Strategies and Spendings for 2009

A recent study from Marketing Profs and Forrester Research amongst 300,000 marketing executives and other management professionals, conducted in late 2008, offers insight in the latest b2b marketing strategies, budgets, tactics and attitudes.

The key findings are that marketers have three deeper needs for the future: measuring effectiveness becomes increasingly important (i.e. webinars and search provide great tactical benefit), understanding customers deepest needs and wishes, plus exploring and learning from best practices for daily business implementation is crucial.

The report makes clear that top marketing business decision makers are relying much more on digital marketing tactics. With a high percentage of respondents saying that their company web site (91%) and email activities (81%) are the top media used for their tactics. Still, it is interesting to see that a lot of marketers work with traditional tactics like public relation (72%) and tradeshows/conferences (70%) as very important lead generation tools.

With the increasing importance of web 2.0 and social media platforms and tools for customers, companies are changing their media mix from ‘[more costly] traditional media and toward [less costly] new tactics’. Nevertheless, the marketers knowledge on tactics for the new social media platforms is still in an ‘infancy’ status.

In average, the budgets are still spend in an ‘old-school’ manner with tradeshows/conferences (20%) and TV advertising (18%) leading the marketing mix spending, followed by inside sale/telemarketing (16%) and print advertising (13%) – the leading field only interrupted by one digital marketing activity: direct mail (14%).

Spot On!
The report reflects in some way the economic crisis when the executive summary is talking of reducing spending and focusing efforts on a narrower segment of their target markets. Meaning… the so called ‘watering can’ marketing strategy is vanishing and marketing strategy will be focused much more on the digital ‘1-to-1’ as well as ‘1-to-many’ approach. The real (or potential) customers, their environment and the people influencing them has reached the marketers mind – so social media is not too far away for them to understand, and offers great opportunity to learn much more needs and wishes.

Parody: Is Twitter out and nanoblogging the next trend?

If you are on Twitter there are three things we don’t like: people that talk to much, the speed of the service and the interruption time. Now, there could be a new alternative to Twitter called Flutter.

This nanoblogging service will restrict users to blogging in 26 characters or less. A new blogging trend? At least if you believe in the theory of Matt Ibsen, founder of Flutter…

The cool idea about Flutter would be that you can update your updates from other social media sites and Flutter will automatically cut them down to the 26 character limit. A brevity which all our followers and friends will appreciate…

Sure, this is a fictitious parody on the latest innovation drive in the ‘social media industry’ by the Slate Magazine. The world needed someone to make some fun out of the latest madness around Twitter.

Spot On!
Some questions we do not need to ask for evaluating Flutter: Did we all get the benefit of the business? What is their business model? If it is really a great concept… why do we see such a ‘poor’ delivery on the concept by the execs? Why don’t the execs explain the essence of their business model in 26 characters? This could be an interesting approach for Twitter’s 140 as well…

In some way this parody reminds me of…

Study: Agencies moving to slow for consumers?

If we can believe in a recent study ‘Beyond advertising: Choosing a Strategic Path to the Digital Consumer‘ by IBM Institute for Business Value, then ad agencies are years behind in catching up to digitally savvy consumers – although consumers are moving their media consumption online more quickly than anybody could have expected.

Now, despite the difficult economic climate there are some good news for the digital industry: IBM’s study states that interactive, measurable formats will be expected to account for 20% of global ad spending by 2012. The interviewed CMOs said they will increase interactive and online marketing spending in 2009 while 63% while 65% will decrease on traditional advertising. Generally speaking, the same trend that we acknowledged from the latest CMO report.

So, what are further interesting findings? Between 2007 and 2008 the proportion of consumers answering they used social-networking tools went up to 60% (from 33%). It even doubled for for online and portable music services to 46% and almost tripled for mobile internet. And believe it or not, the access to mobile music and video quadrupled to 35%.

Seeing these numbers, it is surprising that 80% of the interviewed ad executives forecast the industry to be at least five years away from being able to deliver whatever might be necessary in terms of cross-platform advertising, encompassing sales, delivery, measurement and analysis.

The problem seems to be the agencies according to study co-author Saul Berman, IBM global leader, strategy and change consulting services. Agencies need to identify and keep pace with the value shift in order not to loose out the same way the music industry did, he summarizes.

“To succeed — especially in the current economic environment — media companies will need to develop a new set of capabilities to support the industry’s evolving demands which include micro targeting, real-time ROI measurement and cross-platform integration,” said Saul Berman, IBM Global Leader for Strategy and Change Consulting Services, and co-author of the new study. “Now is the time for companies to move quickly to become more effective with their assets and build for the future.”

Spot On!
Watching the last decade, companies and agencies followed their customer audience and pushed their budgets to more interactive, measurable formats such as the internet and mobile (gaining 20% of the overall spend). This is not surprising as digital advertising enables advertisers to measure more effectively campaign success to prove the value of their budgets.

In terms of platform owners it shows that these need to identify new opportunities to monetize new consumer experiences before it is too late like the music industry has shown. The options are obvious: value of content, visual goods sales, value-added services plus hardware or software offerings.

For this study IBM conducted 70 interview sessions with global industry execs and surveyed more than 2,800 consumers in Australia, Germany, India, Japan, the U.K. and the U.S.

News Update – Best of the Day

Most of big companies are not really relying on social media, nor evaluating it seriously. Susan Rice Lincoln found some answers why ‘big brands struggle with social media’. She found six reason.

Social Media is…
– … often viewed as just another marketing channel.
– … does not fit into current structures
– … a long term proposition
– … promises no guaranteed results
– … measured differently
and… Communities and content are global and corporations are generally national. – A lot of option if you tackle these issues from the right angle…

In some way Twitter is like a search engine. Have we ever thought on how we use this search option?
Danny Sullivan started a research and – although someone might be there who does not believe in research results – there is definitely a very interesting trend in the findings. Yes, I would say, Twitter is an ‘additional search engine’…

– Half ask a question on Twitter at least once per week
– Nearly 40% are “usually” satisfied with the answers they get
– Half “sometimes” or “often” turn to Twitter for questions rather than a traditional search engine
– Only 4% said they’d give up a traditional search engine for Twitter
– Nearly half said they ask questions on Twitter because they trust their friends or followers more than search results or are seeking expert answers
– 40% said they seek answers to “real time” issues or they want a variety of opinions
– Nearly 70% said questions they asked were related to computer or the internet, followed by 44% asking questions about Twitter, then 41% asking about shopping or product advice

Advertising in a social media world always carries the problem that people might abuse your brand in some unfavorable way. Last week some boys made up the idea in “How to Smoke Smarties”. Adage focuses on this latest YouTube phenomenon and posts some important hints how to handle situations where people are ‘messing messing with your brand online’.

1. Don’t fight it. (Brands cannot control client communication!)
2. Survey the extent of the problem. (Brands need to know how big ‘the damage’ is!)
3. Turn to your social-media crisis plan. (Develop one!)
4. Be open with employees. (Social Media guidelines will help!)
5. Respond accordingly. (All spokesperson should have the official response statement asap!)

Die Zukunft des mobilen Web: Experimentierzeit ist vorbei

One-on-One Interview with Olav A. Waschkies
Director Strategic Marketing & Mobile Internet, Pixelpark

Olav A. Waschkies arbeitet seit über 15 Jahren in der Kommunikationsbranche und verantwortet seit Anfang 2008 als Director Strategic Marketing & Mobile Internet, die Mobile-Aktivitäten von Pixelpark Agentur. Der gelernte Betriebswirt mit Stationen an der Universität zu Köln und der Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona ist Marketer der ersten Stunde im digitalen Marketing und seit 2000 bei Pixelpark beschäftigt. Olav A. Waschkies ist stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Fachgruppe Mobile im Bundesverband Digitaler Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V.

The Strategy Web hat Olav Waschkies über die Zukunft des mobilen Web befragt.

Q: Was sind die Eckpfeiler einer guten ‘mobilen Webstrategie’?
Olav Waschkies Eine gute mobile Webstrategie zeichnet sich durch Zielkongruenz der mobilen Aktivitäten zu den übergeordneten Gesamtzielen der E-Business-Strategie aus. Dies kann von der Erschließung neuer Umsatzfelder im Bereich Mobile Advertising über die Integration des Themas Mobile im Bereich Distanzhandel hin zur Kostenreduktion durch Prozessoptimierungen im Bereich Costumer Self Service sein. Entscheidend sind die Faktoren – Zielgruppe und Akzeptanz des Mobile Internet, Technische Architektur der eigenen E-Business-Aktivitäten und interne Entscheidungsstrukturen und Akzeptanz für neue marktrelevante Themen im digitalen Umfeld.

Q: Ist das Thema ‘Mobile Webstrategie’ in Unternehmen als ganzheitliches Thema angekommen oder eher ein Marketingphänomen? (mit Begründung)
Olav Waschkies Es ist sicherlich ein Problem in der Entwicklung des mobilen Internets, dass das Thema in weiten Bereichen noch als „Marketing-Spielwiese“ und nicht in der Gesamtheit seiner Bedeutung für die Unternehmen gesehen wird. Schlimmer noch, es wird oft nicht einmal Marketing-Thema, sondern enger gefasst als Marketing-Kommunikationsthema gesehen. Mobile Internet wird dabei sehr häufig auf den Kampagnen-Charakter verkürzt, im extremsten Fall noch auf das Thema Mobile Direct Response, d.h. auf SMS-Dienste. Das Potenzial des mobilen Webs für die Bereiche Internet, Extranet und Intranet werden leider in den wenigsten Fällen strategisch aufgenommen und als Gesamtheit in die E-Business-Strategie integriert. Der Grund ist sicherlich die Entwicklung des Themas, da Direct Response Kampagnen lange Zeit die bekannteste Nutzung des mobilen Webs waren und alle Ansätze aus dem Jahrtausendwechsel als Wap-Flop noch in der Wahrnehmung der Entscheider präsent sind. Die Möglichkeiten die sich eine Dekade später ergeben, sind diesen Entscheidern noch einmal nachhaltig näher zu bringen.

Q: Sehen Sie das Thema Social Media und Web 2.0 von großer Bedeutung für die Entwicklung des mobilen Webs?
Olav Waschkies Social Media und Web 2.0 sind bereits immanenter Bestandteil des mobilen Webs. Eigentlich muss man es noch konsequenter formulieren, das mobile Web ist Web 2.0 in seiner reinen Form und wer sich die mobilen Mandanten der etablierten Online-Angebote und die neuen „mobile born“ Angebote sowie deren Nutzung anschaut, wird sich dieses Eindrucks schwerlich verweigern können.

Q: Ist es überhaupt schon die richtige Zeit für Unternehmen mobilen Content zur Verfügung zu stellen?
Olav Waschkies Es ist für viele Unternehmen bereits fünf vor zwölf, da im Zweifel der Wettbewerb bereits mobil vertreten ist. Wir haben es im mobilen Web nicht mehr mit Prognosen oder Trends zu tun, wir stehen in den nächsten Monaten vor belastbaren Marktdaten, die Transparenz schaffen werden über Angebot und Nachfrage und zeigen werden, dass zum einen bereits ein Markt existiert und zum anderen welche Entwicklungsdynamik diese Markt hat.

Q: Was sind die drei größten Herausforderungen für Unternehmen, die auf mobilen Content setzen wollen?
Olav Waschkies Es lassen sich die folgenden drei Herausforderungen charakterisieren:
1. Interne Herausforderung – Wird das Thema mobile Web als unternehmensrelevant erkannt, erhält es Promotoren auf Entscheidungsebene und findet seinen Widerklang in der E-Business-Strategie?
2. Technische Herausforderung – Lässt sich das Thema in die eigene E-Business-Infrastruktur integrieren und wie, bzw. mit wem lässt sich dieses zielführend umsetzen?
3. Markt Herausforderung – Wird von den Unternehmen der richtige Marktbedarf erkannt und ein adäquates Angebot für die eigene Zielgruppe(n) geschaffen?

In Summe münden die Herausforderungen in die Aufforderung das Thema mobile Web aus der Ecke des Experimentierumfelds herauszuholen und anzufangen, das Thema als geschäfts- und somit strategierelevant einzuordnen, da das mobile Web in den nächsten Jahren sich im Massenmarkt etabliert haben wird.

Herr Waschkies, wir danken Ihnen für den spannenden Einblick in eine mobile Web-Zukunft.

Spot On!
Ergänzend hierzu soll eine Studie von TNS Infratest im Auftrag der E-Plus nicht unerwähnt bleiben, die die Usersicht beleuchtet.
– Mobile Datenangebote: Trend zu Handy- und Laptop-Surfen hält an
– Sprach- und Datentarife: Deutsche bevorzugen Flatrates
– Telefonie: Jeder Dritte würde ganz auf einen Festnetzanschluss verzichten
– Deutschlandweit repräsentative Studie unter 2.000 Verbrauchern

Die am häufigsten genutzten Mobilfunk-Anwendungen sind demnach…
– SMS-Versand (81%)
– Telefonieren (69%)
– Foto und MMS-Versand (33%)
– Musik-Downloads (15%)

Die Studie steht zum Download bereit bei E-Plus.

News Update – Best of the Day

What’s Google’s next big revenue driver? Capturing one of the biggest markets owned by platform owners? If so, there are 3 things Google needs to make display ads a big business, says Google CEO Eric Schmidt

“The first problem if you have a display property, it’s very difficult to figure out which ad to show. Because there are multiple vendors who show you these ads. We’re in the process of building the equivalent of an ad exchange which will allow you to do that automatically and do it with scientific measurements. So today what people do is they use heuristics, and the heuristics in that space are terrible.”
“The second issue in display has to do with the standardization of ad formats. There’s not agreement at the level that it needs to be on the standardization of the delivery of the display, and especially around interactive and video ads. The future of display ads is not a static picture, but an ad that brings you in. That tells you a narrative.”
“Third in our case is the construction of the business relationships with the large advertisers, which we’re still working on.”

What’s the future of direct mail spending like in the U.S.? One of the latest reports on ‘A Channel in Transformation: Vertical Market Trends in Direct Mail 2009’ by marketing consultancy Winterberry Group says, the outlook is not positive… Reasons are: recession, rising postage rates and marketing trends – combination is affecting direct mail spending.

What is the new idea on response driven advertising? Barcoded ads! At least Volvo shows a very interesting approach for the launch of their C70 series. The pan-European advertising campaign will include print ads with a specially integrated QR (Quick Response) barcode and uses the print ads to provide readers with instant access to additional web content on their mobile.

This is a Twitter wake-up call! Well done, Jim…

Some days ago, I read a comment on another blog moaning “OMG – not another Twitter post!” Bearing this in mind, I now reply with a post to Jim Connolly’s clever decision. The marketing expert who deleted over 20.000 followers some days ago.

So, my comment is…’YES, a critical Twitter article – finally somebody did it.’

One of our editors asked me the other day: ‘Why would you use Twitter?’ I replied…

Imagine you have a mobile phone.
Imagine there is nobody in your address book.
Imagine you have forgotten all numbers.

And, what is the value of your mobile phone in this case? That’s were you start to twitter…

So, I thought about the comparison and came to the conclusion. There is a big benefit of a mobile phone compared to Twitter. The communication barrier which is called the ‘Dial’ button. Although you have a lot of people in your business ‘communication network’, you just talk to them actively when it’s the appropriate time. But people love to listen to Twitter in a passive mode. This is becoming a critical efficiency issue…

Jim summarizes about his future Twitter balance… “BUT this time, I am only following friends, clients and contacts, (which will be quite a large number in itself.)”. Yes, he is popular and back at far more than 500 followers again…

Spot On!
Let me ask… Do we all know what the critical topic with Twitter is? It can be a ‘time thief’ where we spend hours killing the efficiency of our productive work output by trying to invest in our knowledge, in our vanity, in being the first to know and in our ‘trendsetter image’? Ah yes,we can learn a lot from Jim’s decision. It’s a wake-up call, not only for the Twitterati…

Personal Web Manager – the next web 2.0 job?

Time is the most important asset of the modern job world 2.0. Why? This should be quite clear – we all get booked up (Outlook and Intsant Messaging), burned out by mobility (increasing mobility – thanks to mobile internet we cannot live offline anymore) and above all “networked up” (social media explosion).

People who are seeking to have a good online reputation 2.0 need at least to be present in different XING groups, do some Facebook ‘business-socializing’ and look after their international connections in the LinkedIn business network. Some days ago, Mashable raised the question if it is possible to be registered in too many social networks. Well, this depends on the time you have, or have not…

“It’s time to find some time!” Translation of the new Centerparcs claim on German TV

The active business person has become an identity hiker 2.0. This person finds itself always in a discrepancy between satisfying the company’s business processes, staying up to date as well as producing high-profile mini-statements and thesis which polish the value of the own personal web-ID up. Furthermore companies expect more and more from their employees when facing the financial crisis, cost reduction and personal lay-offs.

And then there are some personal human needs (family life) and preferences like satisfying personal hobbies. The extreme heteronomy is growing. But how shall we cope with all these duties without being in danger of health damages? This becomes incomprehensible for most of the modern business people 2.0.

The surplus work load of web 2.0 and social media does its very best in this context and needs to be filtered as well as canalized. When the world of social media itself thinks about the idea, how to save some time as a business person 2.0, then a solution needs to be found.

But how can we as sucessful business people 2.0 embrace this phenomenon? On a long discussion night some managers I came up with an idea which found attractive interest in Germany and which was born from university memories. In those days we saw busy little bees of ‘professor followers’, so called student assistants, running around extremely motivated. These young energetic people who followed a hybrid life between administrator, aggregator and multiplicator (sounds like the first Twitterati generation…). So, the solution was obvious – a new job description needs to be found. The idea of the personal web manager as well as personal web assistant was born.

Profile of the Personal Web Manager (PWM) und Personal Web Assistant (PWA)
(For the rest of this post we will just use the short version: personal web consultant.)

The personal web consultant gets the title depending on his management qualification. The job will be given preferably to managers with extraordinary web-affinity or internet-enthusiastic or ‘web-addicted’ students. The personal web consultant is in his position a coach and/or assistant for successful ambitious business decision makers who take the course of mankind 2.0 who are reputation optimizer in the company management’s sense for the virtual-real world and who love to start a promising online career themselves.

Administrator of the virtual business
The personal web consultant organizes and segments web content for the business decision maker according to importance of markets and internal revenue expectations as well as projects and topics – except for email communication which can be done by the business decision maker who can concentrate on these duties as he finds more time thanks to the personal web consultant.

The personal web consultant is responsible for the registration on numerous internet platforms of relevance for the business decision maker (from communities to networks) and does the personal monitoring for his manager’s work. This person optimizes the profile of the boss. Furthermore, his work is concentrating on RSS feeds, bookmarks, micro-blogging and social and business networks which need to be brought in a standardized business format. All steps shall lead to one uniform personal web-ID.

Professional News-Aggregator
The personal web consultant collects necessary knowledge, posts, articles and trend ideas in the sense of his bosses entrepreneurial targets. Based on these facts he thinks about intelligent output strategies and elaborates recommendations for group input in networks, phrases these in the best possible version, hands those over to the manager who just needs to check them and do the final click to bring those online. In earlier days business decision makers got their map with documents to sign them, today you get an online folder with the content and/for the relevant links. Copy – paste – done!

Entrepreneurial Contact-Multiplier
The personal web consultant is responsible for the quality and the development of the chief’s business network. Registered as a contact-multiplier, the personal web consultant summarizes, supervises and optimizes the manager’s networks for old and new subject-orientated contacts. The consultant evaluates professional groups in business and social networks for new contacts and advises on necessary contact requests. Options for the moderation of groups in networks are also his duty as searching for virtual and real speaking options or guest comments or contributions.

But how can the personal web consultant be integrated in companies?
Companies are always searching for the ultimate and most efficient motivation incentive or hiring bonus which they can give to middle and top management apart from car allowance, mobile phones or a golf-club membership, all paid by the company in order to find the right motivation shot. Why not accompanying a motivated manager with a personal web consultant? The additional person is productive, innovative, motivated and makes the company live the maxim of web 2.0 – also in times of scarcity of resources.

The freelancer will love the personal web consultant if the order- and revenue situation is positive. This job is terminable from scratch and/or the personal web consultant can work on a freelancer-, trainee- or internship basis.

Spot On!
Some people may say the work of the personal web manager could be done by a automated web services (like Netvibes, PersonalBrowsr, Noserub, etc.). But if we take a serious look at the pace of the personal outputs on Twitter there is not even a 10% chance of effective following of the Twitterati followers. Especially when you are also meant to set the right tone and appropriate good manners when doing your daily business networking. So, all in all… either successful business decision makers have to transform into a virtual-optimized multitasking engine or simply automate the personal communication process 2.0. Establishing the job description of the personal web manager/assistant in companies could be a more professional solution and, talking of the economy crisis, provide numerous new jobs – and the next ‘web 2.0 job’.

News Update – Best of the Day

– Im Online Werbemarkt wird das Thema Effizienz das Jahr 2009 prägen und wurde nun zum entscheidenenden Schlagwort von Werbeentscheidern in einer Umfrage von ‘Kontakter’ gekürt. Auf dem Social Web Breakfast habe ich bereits davon gesprochen, dass die Unternehmen die Relevanz und die Effizienz von einer Corporate Online und Social Media Strategie erkennen müssen. Was aber nicht heißt, daß das Internet als reines ‘Effizienzmedium’ kategorisiert werden muss. Höchstens wenn Effizienz mehr als Zahlen meint, aber wenn man so manche News ließt, muß man diese Weitsicht so mancher Webexperten in Frage stellen.

– Ein Business und ein Brand aufzubauen, ist ein kleiner aber feiner Unterschied. Al Ries geht auf große Marken ein (Chevrolet, Dell, big FMCG brands, etc.), die versucht haben, verschiedene Marktpositionen einzunehmen. Ries veranschaulicht, dass die Focussierung auf ein Segment (Category) essentiell for die Markenbildung ist. Eine Marke muss für etwas Werthaltiges stehen, sonst verliert man gerne die Orientierung als und das Ansehen beim Kunde/n.

– Was boo.com nicht schaffte, ist inzwischen Shopping-Standard geworden: Modekauf im Internet. Das Trendsetting bereits via Blogs wunderbar funktioniert, haben bereits einige verstanden und ihr Business darauf abgestimmt. Yahoo hat nun eine Studie herausgebracht mit dem Titel ‘Mode – Informationsprozess und Kaufverhalten im Web’, bei der über 1.500 Testpersonen über Meinungsplatz.de befragt wurden. Ergebnis: Über ein Drittel der Internetuser shoppen ihre Mode online. Die ‘Preismotivation’ gibt immernoch den Ausschlag für das Onlineshopping.

Die Studie gibt es hier.

Traditional Media: Embrace new modes of communication

One-on-One Interview with Julian Desborough
Publishing Operations Director and Webstrategist, Times Online

Julian Desborough is the content web strategist at Times Online. He helped run the development of the current iteration of Times Online and facilitated the content migration from Vignette to Escenic, after which he became the Publishing Operations Director of Times Online.

The Strategy Web interviewed Julian to get his idea on the ideal web strategy for a traditional media company.

Q: Please tell us in one sentence what webstrategy means to you?
Julian Desborough For me, Webstrategy is defining and maintaining your presence in the appropriate sectors of the digital marketplace.

Q: What makes a great web strategist and why does he become more and more important for a company?
Julian Desborough A great web strategist should spot emerging technologies and opportunities in the digital sphere while advising on corporate exposure and effort on existing channels. The web strategist also has a crucial role in evangelizing the digital space to more traditional areas of the business and leading the call for change within the organisation.

Q: What are the departments in your company that need you most and why?
Julian Desborough There is not one single department that does not need a web strategist. Commercial needs someone to spot the opportunities; Editorial needs someone to maximize the value of the content they produce; Technical needs someone to constantly challenge existing technologies, architectures and workflows to maintain standards of service and ability to future-proof investment.

Q: Did you face any kind of problems and issues when collaborating with departments (reporting structure or hierarchy)?
Julian Desborough Departments that are not “online facing” have a natural resistance to change. Most issues were around new work flows and integration issues with existing technology and workforces.

Q: What are the 3 biggest challenges you are ‘fighting’ against in your daily business?
Julian Desborough (a) Rate of change within the organisation, (b) Ability to keep the company in line with trends within the industry, (c) Technical stability and usability.

Q: Publishing houses are said to be ‘inflexible and not really Web 2.0 focused’? Is this something you can underline?
Julian Desborough The biggest problem for traditional media companies is their inability to embrace new modes of communication and content delivery and provide investment in a manner that does not fly in the face of normal business opportunity planning (there was a time when too much money was thrown at online ideas without sound business cases).

Q: Talking about Social Media und Web 2.0 @ Times Online, did you implement any web 2.0 projects already? Examples like blogs, wikis, youtube, etc.)
Julian Desborough We have been running more than 50 blogs over the past three years (a challenge has been integrating them within our existing content infrastructure). We invite readers to comment on articles that they read (these are displayed within the article) and we embed youtube video clips, google maps and other items into articles to encourage reader interaction. We also have created online communities around small niche collections of content such as crossword clubs and book clubs and we successfully market content and promotions to popular email bulletins that readers have selected to receive.

Q: Will every company have a webstrategist in the near future?
Julian Desborough Sadly, I think not.

Thank you for the interview and your time, Julian!