News Update – Best of the Day

“Connecting offline and online is one of the biggest challenges in our today’s business world” – You might have heard my credo somewhere. Now, Willis Wee created the big social media marketing plan for those companies that need an easy visualization – looks nice to me.

How PR and social media can collide in one PR release tells us Ogilvy’s John Bell in his post “When is a social media strategy not a strategy”. Sure, I had to comment that…

The super market 10-11 is not well-known for some of my readers. With their new commercial “Always open”, which addresses their customers in Iceland, they soon will be. Isn’t it a funny and entertaining TV ad?

Social Engagement is Changing

The web service company Flowtown has created a nice piece of visualization about the way in which social engagement is changing. You should also read the comments on their blog post to get some more numbers and insights on how the social web world is changing today.