Google Survey: 39% US mobile users take their mobiles to the bathroom

Google published a survey (in partnership with the independant marketing research firm Ipsos OTX) and present insights into how U.S. consumers use their smartphones. A video presents key findings from “The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Consumers”.

The research, conducted at the end of 2010 among 5,013 US adult smartphone Internet users, was meant to better understand how smartphones are used in consumers’ daily lives and how smartphones have influenced the ways consumers search, shop and respond to mobile advertising.

Some of the key findings of the study don’t show special new insights. However it illustrates that we are not alone anymore in our bathrooms any longer. We are taking our friends, business partners and our social graphs to the bathroom… by using our smartphones like we used to read our newspapers or magazines in the past. Google states that 39% admit to having used their smarthone while going to the bathroom.

Some more findings…
– 93% use smartphones at home
– 81% browse the Internet
– 77% do search for information
– 72% do parallel use of smartphone and other media (over 30% like watching TV)
– 45% use smartphone to manage their daily lives
– 20% would give up their Cable TV for using their smartphone

Obviously, Google wanted to find out how smartphone users access search via their mobiles. And no suprise there as well. Search is the leading website type accessed (77%). It helps consumers access information like News (57%), Dining (51%), Entertainment (49%) , Shopping (47%), Technology (32%), Travel (31%), Finance (26%) and Automotive (17%).


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Interesting from a marketer’s perspective is that the report actually finds that mobile advertising is engaging. The research states that after seeing an ad (on print, online or mobile) 71% of users search on their smartphones. A remarkable 82% of users notice mobile ads, and of those 49% purchase (!), 42% click on it, 35% access the website, 27% contact the business. This shows the new power of mobile marketing for companies and that marketers should have a close look at mobile marketing opportunities in the future.

PS: And if 39% of people use their iPhones in the bathroom, I don’t want to know how many use their iPads to read the latest news or watch a video, and how this increases the average “bathroom staying time”…

Is mobile the future extension of print (and TV)?

I have always quoted that there is a future for print. In trains, in planes and on quiet places where you will always be on your own… However print might need some partner media: mobiles… to becomes 3-D reality in combination with them.

The Commonwealth Bank used a Sydney computer graphics firm called Explore Engage and let them create a 3-D mobile extension. The print ad uses a smartphone’s camera to connect the print creative (launched in Melbourne’s mX commuter daily newspaper last week) with the 3-D reader software in the phone. The smartphone then opens a virtual town on the phone’s screen in which a virtual sales person introduces some of the Commonwealth Bank real estate properties.

The smartphone all of a sudden makes print (ads) attractive again. Augmented reality (AR) extends the opportunities of the static print value into a new engaging mobile world. Just think about the opportunities… Wallpapers could be scanned and then virtual promotions or commercials could appear on mobile screens on-the-go selling new products and services. Previews of movies could be taken from print ads instantly. The future of print seems to be mobile…


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PS: Although it might be a bit challenging for some people, TV has also new opportunities to extend their offering. Just watch the latest KIA Optima advertising idea which also used AR technology to get people engaged in advertising…

Flip Phone – Is this the future of smart phones?

Sometimes I am thinking smart phones have more or less come to an end in their potential for innovation. And I always have to admit: No, there is still room for inventions…

Just some week ago, I came across the flashy Motorola Flipout. An Android phone with 7 x 7cm touchscreen display while also offering an intelligent Qwertz typepad. It fits into every trouser pocket.

Yesterday, I found one of these latest smartphone visions. It’s called Flip phone and it looks really cool. The phone has three flexible AMOLED touchscreens and a keyboard on the reverse. The Flip phone is based on a concept concieved during a 6 week long workshop done by Kristian Ulrich Larsen, Ewa Sendecka, Jeppe Vestergård and Victoria Kusk. It was then developed further for a semester by Kristian Ulrich Larsen as part of his MA program at Kolding school of design.

This is how Yankodesign describes the Flip phone: “a smart triangular piece held together with soft steel mesh hinges, hosting a custom flavor of Android. The boundaries of a PC and phone have smudged-up big time and this is a sample of what that future looks like”.


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Personally, I like the Flip phone idea. Especially if people can watch different videos on different screens at the same time. And you? What do you think about it? Is this something that catches your attention, a product you would buy in the future?

Why Check-Ins need to improve in the future…

Early adopters show big interest (see study) in location-based platforms like Gowalla, Foursquare or Groupon and obviously Facebook Places. Though only 4% of the US internet users use it, and probably the number is even lower in Europe. Nevertheless, Check-Ins could become the pull mechanism for offers on location-based direct marketing campaign in the future.

However, the check-in technology is still not completely evolved. People can still log-on from places around a building (though often not in the building…) -like we check-in on our airlines for flights today from all over the world- and still earn their “check-in credits”.

Some months ago, I wrote about loyalty cards and how the intelligent use of Social Media at point of sales, i.e. cash points at retailers or in shops, could make our purse loose some “plastic weight”, and make loyalty cards a thing of the past.

Now, combine this thought with the new location-based technology and think where we could be if these platforms could embed loyalty programs in their technology/apps. Automated check-in via apps. No second hand-over from loyalty plastic cards. Quicker engagement and upsale opportunities for companies and brands. Brave new world!?

This presentation by the DASH7 Alliance looks at the state of location-based check-ins in the past, today and the need for a global standard for check-ins (and check-outs) in the future.

The Future of Check ins

View more presentations from DASH7 Alliance.

Nielsen study: iPad users open for ads

When the the iPad certainly was introduced by Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs it was said to be “a truly magical and revolutionary product.” This week I have bought an iPad myself and have tried to understand what the tablet is capable as a mobile business device. I cannot really say it failed. And a new study by Nielsen asking 5.000 mobile users shows us how the iPad is delivering businesses from the perspective of a new ad platform.

The Nielsen findings from their new “Connected Devices Playbook” suggest that the iPad owners are more open and responsive to advertising than mobile users of other devices – even those of the iPhone. The study shows that iPad users are more likely to buy products after being introduced to ads. And 60% of the respondents of users across the iPad, iPhone and all other connected devices responded they were “OK with advertising if it means I can access content for free.”

The magic formula for making ads for iPad users effective are interactive features: 45% of iPad owners said they were more likely to click on ads that included multimedia than 26% of iPhone subscribers and 27% of other connected device owners. Isn’t this perfect news for the launch of Apple’s iAd platform?

What makes marketers even more happy is that iPad users indicate that they buy a product via their mobile device because of an ad. 24% of iPad users made an in-store purchase compared to 10% of those who use other devices. It seems that the iPad and other mobile devices might offer a helping hand as a revenue driver to all retailers or shop-owners. Nevertheless, we might ask the question whether this is as of the new product and the hype around it, or if this will last in the future. The final question could be how Apple will change their single app sales strategy to make the use of the iPad more cost-friendly for users.

So, who is the typical iPad user? The Nielsen study says they tend to be younger and more male than users of other devices like users of the Acer Aspire One, the Kindle, the iPhone, iPod touch or the Sony PlayStation Portable. 65% of iPad users were male and under the age of 35.

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Sometimes it is funny when you read these studies and remember your own shopping experience. Some weeks ago, when the iPad was not even available I remember a 45 year old posh women rushing into the Apple shop. She did not even realize that the sales guy next to me was explaining the benefits of an iPad to me. She just asked when the iPad will be available, got her answer and rushed out with the same urgency she came in. The sales guy was shaking his head that day, saying some of our clients are weird. When you think about how eager she was to buy the product, I can understand that advertising is still effective… not only on an iPad.

The Strategy Web – going mobile on an iphone app

The mobile iphone app trend can be heard all over the bloggosphere. We all know the future is mobile and people want to read their preferred social medians on the go. And some web-experts have launched their own iPhone app lately. The Strategy Web (download in iTunes) went mobile with the start of this year 2010 as well…

Two of my favorite web-experts Jeremiah Owyang and Seth Goddin started their iPhone app more or less at the same time. And they all can be read every day, for free. You just have to download it on your iPhone!

Jeremiah and I have chosen the nice developer guys from MotherApp to get our personal version of a real iphone app. It took the guys just one short week to get the app live on iTunes. And this is not only a mobile version of our blog without heavy graphic load in the back-end. This is a true iPhone app with native Apple interface which includes the integration of all the main relevant social media platforms of my social web strategy (except from Facebook): Blog, Twitter and YouTube.

TSW iPhone App As

Above: screenshot of the app start page and latest blog update

TSW iPhone App Bs

Above: screenshot of a post page, YouTube channel, and the Twitter timeline.

MotherApp offers an interesting way to get your brand and content mobile. Even if there is no internet connection the content can be read as it is downloaded. Good work!

Two further iPhone apps I woul dlike to recommend. Take a look at Guy Kawasaki and Brian Solis (he even has integrated location-based features).

This is still an early stages version. Two negative things that will hopefully improve in the future: Brands need a developer to create the iPhone app and only my comments can be seen – not really social web world, I know. But hey, who is perfect…?!

Let me know what you think. Looking forward to your feedback.

Die Zukunft des mobilen Web: Experimentierzeit ist vorbei

One-on-One Interview with Olav A. Waschkies
Director Strategic Marketing & Mobile Internet, Pixelpark

Olav A. Waschkies arbeitet seit über 15 Jahren in der Kommunikationsbranche und verantwortet seit Anfang 2008 als Director Strategic Marketing & Mobile Internet, die Mobile-Aktivitäten von Pixelpark Agentur. Der gelernte Betriebswirt mit Stationen an der Universität zu Köln und der Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona ist Marketer der ersten Stunde im digitalen Marketing und seit 2000 bei Pixelpark beschäftigt. Olav A. Waschkies ist stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Fachgruppe Mobile im Bundesverband Digitaler Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V.

The Strategy Web hat Olav Waschkies über die Zukunft des mobilen Web befragt.

Q: Was sind die Eckpfeiler einer guten ‘mobilen Webstrategie’?
Olav Waschkies Eine gute mobile Webstrategie zeichnet sich durch Zielkongruenz der mobilen Aktivitäten zu den übergeordneten Gesamtzielen der E-Business-Strategie aus. Dies kann von der Erschließung neuer Umsatzfelder im Bereich Mobile Advertising über die Integration des Themas Mobile im Bereich Distanzhandel hin zur Kostenreduktion durch Prozessoptimierungen im Bereich Costumer Self Service sein. Entscheidend sind die Faktoren – Zielgruppe und Akzeptanz des Mobile Internet, Technische Architektur der eigenen E-Business-Aktivitäten und interne Entscheidungsstrukturen und Akzeptanz für neue marktrelevante Themen im digitalen Umfeld.

Q: Ist das Thema ‘Mobile Webstrategie’ in Unternehmen als ganzheitliches Thema angekommen oder eher ein Marketingphänomen? (mit Begründung)
Olav Waschkies Es ist sicherlich ein Problem in der Entwicklung des mobilen Internets, dass das Thema in weiten Bereichen noch als „Marketing-Spielwiese“ und nicht in der Gesamtheit seiner Bedeutung für die Unternehmen gesehen wird. Schlimmer noch, es wird oft nicht einmal Marketing-Thema, sondern enger gefasst als Marketing-Kommunikationsthema gesehen. Mobile Internet wird dabei sehr häufig auf den Kampagnen-Charakter verkürzt, im extremsten Fall noch auf das Thema Mobile Direct Response, d.h. auf SMS-Dienste. Das Potenzial des mobilen Webs für die Bereiche Internet, Extranet und Intranet werden leider in den wenigsten Fällen strategisch aufgenommen und als Gesamtheit in die E-Business-Strategie integriert. Der Grund ist sicherlich die Entwicklung des Themas, da Direct Response Kampagnen lange Zeit die bekannteste Nutzung des mobilen Webs waren und alle Ansätze aus dem Jahrtausendwechsel als Wap-Flop noch in der Wahrnehmung der Entscheider präsent sind. Die Möglichkeiten die sich eine Dekade später ergeben, sind diesen Entscheidern noch einmal nachhaltig näher zu bringen.

Q: Sehen Sie das Thema Social Media und Web 2.0 von großer Bedeutung für die Entwicklung des mobilen Webs?
Olav Waschkies Social Media und Web 2.0 sind bereits immanenter Bestandteil des mobilen Webs. Eigentlich muss man es noch konsequenter formulieren, das mobile Web ist Web 2.0 in seiner reinen Form und wer sich die mobilen Mandanten der etablierten Online-Angebote und die neuen „mobile born“ Angebote sowie deren Nutzung anschaut, wird sich dieses Eindrucks schwerlich verweigern können.

Q: Ist es überhaupt schon die richtige Zeit für Unternehmen mobilen Content zur Verfügung zu stellen?
Olav Waschkies Es ist für viele Unternehmen bereits fünf vor zwölf, da im Zweifel der Wettbewerb bereits mobil vertreten ist. Wir haben es im mobilen Web nicht mehr mit Prognosen oder Trends zu tun, wir stehen in den nächsten Monaten vor belastbaren Marktdaten, die Transparenz schaffen werden über Angebot und Nachfrage und zeigen werden, dass zum einen bereits ein Markt existiert und zum anderen welche Entwicklungsdynamik diese Markt hat.

Q: Was sind die drei größten Herausforderungen für Unternehmen, die auf mobilen Content setzen wollen?
Olav Waschkies Es lassen sich die folgenden drei Herausforderungen charakterisieren:
1. Interne Herausforderung – Wird das Thema mobile Web als unternehmensrelevant erkannt, erhält es Promotoren auf Entscheidungsebene und findet seinen Widerklang in der E-Business-Strategie?
2. Technische Herausforderung – Lässt sich das Thema in die eigene E-Business-Infrastruktur integrieren und wie, bzw. mit wem lässt sich dieses zielführend umsetzen?
3. Markt Herausforderung – Wird von den Unternehmen der richtige Marktbedarf erkannt und ein adäquates Angebot für die eigene Zielgruppe(n) geschaffen?

In Summe münden die Herausforderungen in die Aufforderung das Thema mobile Web aus der Ecke des Experimentierumfelds herauszuholen und anzufangen, das Thema als geschäfts- und somit strategierelevant einzuordnen, da das mobile Web in den nächsten Jahren sich im Massenmarkt etabliert haben wird.

Herr Waschkies, wir danken Ihnen für den spannenden Einblick in eine mobile Web-Zukunft.

Spot On!
Ergänzend hierzu soll eine Studie von TNS Infratest im Auftrag der E-Plus nicht unerwähnt bleiben, die die Usersicht beleuchtet.
– Mobile Datenangebote: Trend zu Handy- und Laptop-Surfen hält an
– Sprach- und Datentarife: Deutsche bevorzugen Flatrates
– Telefonie: Jeder Dritte würde ganz auf einen Festnetzanschluss verzichten
– Deutschlandweit repräsentative Studie unter 2.000 Verbrauchern

Die am häufigsten genutzten Mobilfunk-Anwendungen sind demnach…
– SMS-Versand (81%)
– Telefonieren (69%)
– Foto und MMS-Versand (33%)
– Musik-Downloads (15%)

Die Studie steht zum Download bereit bei E-Plus.